The world's world industry leaders is committed to relaunching the #PlayApartoGether program launched a year ago in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO).
In April 2020, many game companies agreed to disseminate factual health information from WHO, encouraging players from around the world to follow health advice on the prevention of COVVI-19, in particular by moving away from places social, avoiding crowds, keeping the ventilated pieces and wear masks.
The United Games Industry with the hashtag #playAttogether
The event has been accepted by many industry groups, including manufacturers of mobile phones, computer equipment, electronic sports, consoles and PC games, advertising banners and rights for defense of consumer rights . “In our opinion, the return to a normal life has become a reality, and we are determined to continue using the platform to provide important information to the players and support the community. When we work and play together, we make a difference. “In our opinion, the return to a normal life has become a reality, and we are determined to continue using the platform to provide important information to the players and support the community.
When we started to conceptualize the #PlayAttoTher Standing Initiative, we could not have dreamed of that it would be so adopted by the World Player Community, with an enthusiasm and a commitment that really had an impact
Bernard Kim, President of Zynga's publication
When we work and play together, we make a difference. A year after the first launch, the game company reflected in the event and participated again, sharing the hashtag #playAttogether on social networks. The hashtag has been seen by players in many countries / regions of the world.
The return to a normal life has become a reality, and we are determined to continue using the platform to provide important information to the players and support the community. When we work and play together, we make a difference.